rob.  id: 1409898
CPU AMD Dual Core 4800+
RAM 8000mb DDR-Ram
Videocard GeForce 8500GT
Soundcard -
Storage 320GB
Motherboard ASUS M2N-SLi
Display Philips 22"
OS Windows Vistaaaa
Mouse Logitech MX518
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Revoltec Speed Mousepad
Keyboard Logitech Elite
Headphones Logitech...
Connection DSL 3000
TV Samsung 42"
Sound system Logitech
Console(s) Playstation 3
Drink Vodka-E
Food Roastbeef
Movie Lord of the Ring, Butterfly Effect
Music Muse, White Stripes, Artic Monkeys
Person Meine Mom!
Actor / Actress Keanu Reaves,Wesley Snipes,Nicolas Cage
Car Honda Civic EJ6 Coupe
Sport Fußball, ^^Kochen^^
Map de_train
Game Hero -
Genre Ego-Shooter
Console Playstation 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.core-revolutio..
Jan K. [Vic] ( 08.02.91 - † 01.08.2007 )

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