Hardware | |
CPU | Phenom X6 2.8 |
RAM | 4Gb a-data gaming |
Videocard | 460 GTS |
Soundcard | onboard |
Storage | 320 westerndigital |
Motherboard | ASUS |
Display | ASUS LED |
OS | xp |
Antivirus | non |
CD/DVD | dvd? never heard |
Mouse | logitech G9 |
Mouse Skatez | no |
Mousepad | steelseries S&S |
Keyboard | razer lycosa |
Headphones | sennheiser pc350 |
Connection | 100mb/s |
Wheel/Pedals | no |
Joypad | no |
TV | waste of time |
Sound system | logitech z5500 |
Console(s) | no |
Handheld(s) | no |
Favourite... | |
Drink | orange juice |
Food | hard to say |
Movie | bm is hard fucked |
Song | Manian - Welcome To The Club |
Person | me ofc :D |
Car | Audi R8/Reventon |
Sport | football |
Favourite... | |
Map | a balance one |
Game Hero | death knight |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | undead/sc1 prottos / sc2 we will see |
Console | PS3 |