Rabsen  id: 142616
Motherboard Gabriele
OS Bier
Antivirus Packemed 500
CD/DVD Lochkarte
Connection da Typ unten an da Latern
Wheel/Pedals im Auto
Console(s) MS-Dos Eingabeaufforderung
Handheld(s) my hand held(s) a cucumber
Drink Wasser, Milch, Fluex
Food Oesterreichisch
Music Hendrix, Stones, Cash, BRMC
Song All along the watchtower
Book Brocode & Playbook
Book author E.A. Poe, J. Verne, Barney Stinson
Person the guy who invented die Pille danach
Actor / Actress Connery, Depp
Car a schnelles
Sport American Football
Athlete Rodgers, Gay, Jordan, Gretzky, Pastrana
Map World 1-2 alias "Der Keller"
Clan Colt Carbine Tunten
Player Rab "aimt schneller als CS" Mallin
Game Hero Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Oesterreicher
Genre Schiassn
Console Nintendo Entertainment System
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.bikepark-leoga..
Website 2 http://www.gibson.com
Website 3 http://www.fpoe.at