SteppeN  id: 1427499
CPU 2200+AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor, 3.40 MHz
RAM Kingston HyperX CL9 1600 MHz 12gb
Videocard gtx 660
Soundcard onboard 7.1
Storage 150 Gb
Motherboard Gigabyte 870a-usb3
Display Acer
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
Antivirus kaspersky internet security 2012
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mouse Skatez /
Mousepad Razer Goliathus
Keyboard SpeedLink
Headphones Spespeedlink medusa nx 5.1
Connection DSL 32000
Wheel/Pedals /
Joypad /
TV King of Quens
Sound system Logitech X-530
Console(s) Ps2
Handheld(s) /
Mobile Phone Samsung Wave
Drink Raffelberger.Bier
Food Hamburger
Movie Band of Brothers,Der Soldat james Ryan,
Music Hip Hop,RnB,Techno
Song Hip Hop,RnB,Techno
Book Herr der Ringe
Book author /
Actor / Actress /
Sport Fußball
Athlete Podolski
Map de_inferno,de_train,de_nuke
Clan Zu Viele schon
Player Mich selbst
Game Hero /
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) /
Genre /
Console PS2