Sebastian 'XoreX' Wilde  id: 1434250
CPU Intel Quad Core Q6700 (4x3,2Ghz)
RAM 4 GB PC2-6400
Videocard GeForce GTX 285
Soundcard Creative XFX SOundblaster 7.1
Storage Samsung 1TB
Motherboard A BIT
Display Novita 22"
OS Windows XP Home Edition
Antivirus Anti Vir
CD/DVD LG 20x DVD-Multiformat Double Layer Brenner
Mouse Logitech MX518
Mousepad Razor eXact Mat
Keyboard G15
Headphones GPlantronic Gamecom 777
Connection DSL 16000
Sound system Logitech X 230
Drink Tequila Sunrise, Caipi, Sex on the Beach
Movie M*A*S*H & Ein Käfig voller Helden
Music Imoment alles
Song Don Omar - Contea
Actor / Actress Alen Alda, Bob Crane
Car Peugeot 306 Cabrio
Sport Capoeira, Kick Boxen
Map mal sehen
Clan Freakshowclan
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Lebende Untote
Genre Action und Rollenspiel Ego-Shooters
Console PC ;-)
Bitte meldet euch vor dem Fordern
per ESL MSG, ICQ oder Steam Danke
Steam: Vagabond150
ICQ: 320803863

Call of Duty Gaming since Mai.2005
Counter Strike Source since Dezember.2010
Someone from XoreX