Tomas 'fl4w' Vasilevsky  id: 14376796
CPU Intel® Core™ i7-9700K 3.6~4.9GHz („CoffeeLake“).....
RAM Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 3000MHz
Soundcard -
Storage -
Motherboard -
Display LG 19M38A-B 18.5 ", TN, HD ready, 1366 x 768 pixe..
OS Original Windows® 10 Pro Premium 64 Bit
Antivirus Total Security 360
Mouse Steel Series 100 RED EDITION
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad HyperX Fury S Pro Mousepad Navi M
Keyboard HyperX Alloy Core RGB
Headphones HEADSET GXT 354 CREON
Connection -
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad -
TV -
Sound system -
Console(s) -
Handheld(s) -
Mobile Phone Huawei Y6
Drink Pepsi, Coco-Cola, Monster, Redbull, 7up and more
Food All types of meal <3
Movie The Nun
Music NILETTO; Aleksandr Rybak and more.
Song NILETTO - любимка
Book "Zeus" - Against all ods.
Book author -
Person -
Car -
Sport Soccer; Cybersport
Athlete Leo Messi
Map De_Dust2
Clan Natus Vincere, Sancire eSports, FaZe, Mousesports.
Player Electronic, Leo Messi
Game Hero Pudge
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Elf
Genre Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Console Playstation 4
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4 https://sancire-esports.d..
Currently teamless.
I welcome everyone to my page, I live in Vilnius (LITHUANIA), I am 15 years old.
I'm trying to get on the list of the best players in the discipline of the CS:GO
I have been playing CS for about 10 years, starting with CS 1.5; Young, adequate, purposeful, not aggressive, good-natured.
I can speak as in Russian, Lithuanian and English.

I welcome everyone to my page, I live in Vilnius (LITHUANIA), I am 15 years old.
I'm trying to get on the list of the best players in the discipline of the CS:GO
I have been playing CS for about 10 years, starting with CS 1.5; Young, adequate, purposeful, not aggressive, good-natured.
I can speak as in Russian, Lithuanian and English.

Currently teamless.