Hardware | |
CPU | E8400 core 2 duo @ 3,6 ghz |
RAM | 2go Crucial BallistiXx PC8500 |
Videocard | 8800 GTS nvidia 512 mo |
Soundcard | qui peut m'en drop une :)? |
Storage | seagate 320 sata2 (il gratte un peu d'ailleurs) |
Motherboard | gigabyte P35 DS3 |
Display | 120 hz lcd et IIYAMA crt |
OS | windows TRUST xp |
Antivirus | aucun |
CD/DVD | Blu-ray ( j'avoue c un fake...) |
Mouse | Intellimouse 1.1 white souris de l'année 96 |
Mouse Skatez | néant |
Mousepad | QCK Heavy Steelseries |
Keyboard | logitech since 2000 le même que binet |
Headphones | steelseries, sennheiser et creative |
Connection | 100 mégas NC |
Wheel/Pedals | Celui d' Henri Pescarolo |
Joypad | thrustmaster pour pes6 et virtua Tennis |
TV | Combiné magnéto TV SAMSUNG |
Sound system | AC/DC Van Halen Def Leppard |
Console(s) | PS1 et 2 + NES + megadrive 1 et 2 |
Handheld(s) | non ca va trop vite entre toi et moi... |
Mobile Phone | mais va te faire enc**** |
Favourite... | |
Drink | IRN BREW from scotland |
Food | Fish and Chips from Bradford |
Movie | Brain Dead de Peter Jackson |
Music | Nû metal et autres fusions :) |
Song | Killing in the name of by RATM :D |
Book | Si c'est un homme - Primo Levi |
Book author | Oscar Wilde |
Person | Brad Pitt ( je le violente) |
Actor / Actress | Robert de Niro et Salcon |
Car | Taxi Brousse Comorien |
Sport | Cricket |
Athlete | Patrice Karmouze et PouaSscaille |
Favourite... | |
Map | aim_ak_colt |
Clan | team ironik and Revenge ( SoF2 ) |
Player | Psykup <3 |
Game Hero | Le Capitaine Igloo |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Ferme ta race? |
Genre | Moundir like |
Console | infectious grooves |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.metalorgie.com |
Website 2 | http://www.deftones.com |
Website 3 | http://www.metallica.com |
Website 4 | http://www.lapatate.fr |
Achievements -> Palmarès CS 1.6 : TOP 3 LAN CyberAlfortville 2003 Palmarès Soldier Of Fortune 2 : TOP 1 Ladder FR clanbase 2003 TOP 1 Silver Cup FR TOP 1 Open Cup Fall 2004 Clanbase 4th league TOP 2 Open cup Infiltration 2005 Clanbase TOP 2 Open cup Demolition 2005 Clanbase TOP 1 Open Cup Fall 2005 Clanbase TOP 1 Ligue FR saison 3 TOP 1 Ladder Euro CTF RD clanbase TOP 1 Eurocup XII RD Team France : TOP 8 Nations Cup CTF clanbase 2005 TOP 4 Nations cup CTF clanbase 2006 Palmarès CS:Source : TOP 4 Lan Palaiseau 2005 TOP 3 Open Cup Winplayers 2nd Edition 2005 TOP 4 Lan Netgate 2006 TOP 2 KDX-Lan 2006 TOP 9 Starlan Creativ 2007 TOP 1 LAN ENYT ( eXtensive! )2007 TOP 5 KDX-Lan 2007 TOP 3 CUP VG LAN 79 esl 2008 TOP 9 Gamers Assembly 2008 TOP 5 1on1 aim_map Lan79 2008 ( .PhP OUT ) TOP 9 LAN 79 2008 TOP 4 Nordlan #2 2008 (with TaC,CHON,Cr4cK,OxigN) TOP 2 CNGLAN #6 2009 TOP 5 Gamers Assembly 2009 (with dRagonz :beAr,Vinzz,mouL,Brz) TOP 9 Maxlan 2009 (with UNTAGGED : AREA,Ecko,apx,M4X) TOP 2 Spirit-Lan #7 2010 (with redface : OxigN,Bless,KaraS,KevZ) TOP 1 DreamLan #1 2010 (with Cr4ck,OxigN,CeleN,ChON) TOP 5 NeXeN 2010 TOP 1 RSSIL LAN 2010 TOP 1 FRPC-CLUB #95 TOP ? Opale Arena 2010 (mates left :<) TOP 5 Coupe De France CSS 2010 TOP 2 PXL-LAN 28 with INVICTUS (missing,yass1ne,binet and kTn) TOP 1 XtreM FamilyLAN 2011 (Ryu7z,Chouca,OxigN,Dylan,CeleN) TOP 3 EPSILAN 2011 TOP 6 MaxLaN 2011 TOP 1 M-Family LAN 2011 TOP 1 Reboat Lan #2 2011 TOP 4 PXL LAN 2011 TOP 2 Lille Arena 2011 (B@B@R L@ tr0mp3,Erhel Le Man@g3r FoU, xtqz and v1nZz) TOP 1 Antec Lan Arena (Shokkk, akeR, uzzziii et miss shox) TOP 1 Azerty Lan #14 (team Crystal-Serv) TOP 1 EPSILAN #7 (team Crystal-Serv) TOP 1 Gamers-Assembly (team Quality-Serveur) TOP 2 NeXeN 2012 (team Quality-Serveur) TOP 1 FRPC LAN (mix) TOP 2 SOPA LAN Paris (team eXtensive!) TOP 1 DOX LAN (mix) Palmarès CS:GO : TOP 1 WAN PARTY US Créteil TOP 5 BuykeyLAN US Créteil TOP 2 Lan Archinumérique Katrina FR TOP 5 Gamers Assembly Katrina FR TOP 1 Virtual Lan Go Play C live TOP 1 WAFLAN 1 Go Play C Live TOP 3 WAFLAN 2 US Créteil TOP 2 Lyon Esports Katrina FR TOP 2 Lanex Remake Esports TOP 1 Nantarena Remake Esports Championnat De France Universitaire 2006 : - Vice Champion de France Pro Evolution Soccer 5 - Champion de France 5on5 CS 1.5 @ mix |