Matthieu 'MaMat' Lauvaux  id: 1460989
CPU intel core i5 3550
RAM 2048 mo
Videocard Nvidia 660 GTX
Storage 320 GO
Motherboard ASROCK PRO 3
Display 22" Wide
OS Seven
Antivirus kaspersky internet security 2013
Mouse Razer Copperhead
Mousepad Nova Winner III
Keyboard Razer Lycosa
Headphones Razer Electra
Connection 100mb/5mb
Joypad Ps2 pad
TV Samsung 26"
Drink Sprite
Food Frite
Movie We were soldiers
Book n/a
Book author n/a
Person Moi
Car Audi R8
Sport Football
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difference between good player and star is the fair play

my SpeeDTesT

My results :

TOP 16 EES WINTER with Freestyler @Clanless.EES
1St Zotac.fifa #170
TOP 8 RaidCall EMS Spring Season 2013
3rd EMS WINTER 2012
3rd EPS France V
1St WCG France 08
TOP 2 WCG France 07
TOP 8 WCG France 06