Paulo 'Minipunk' Colard  id: 1461380
CPU AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+
RAM 768 Mo
Videocard RADEON 9200 Series
Soundcard n/a
Storage 10 - 20 - 40 go
Motherboard n/a (lol?)
Display Smile/ KFC (lol?)
OS n/a
CD/DVD n/a
Mouse Razer - Diamondback
Mouse Skatez no patins
Mousepad Carton
Keyboard Logitech PS/2 Keybord
Headphones Sennheiser PMX 100
Connection Free ADSL 20go
Wheel/Pedals n/a
Joypad n/a
TV n/a
Sound system n/a
Console(s) -console
Handheld(s) n/a
Drink Coktails by juan
Food meat!
Movie Zatoichi
Music Punk - Ska - Electro - Break Beat -
Song Lying from you (#967)
Book Berserk - Kenshin - Hunter X Hunter -
Book author Kentaro Miura
Person Mon nom est
Actor / Actress No Movie
Car HL² Buggy
Sport Rugby
Athlete Gordon Freeman
Map cbble / prod -lol?-
Clan Creativ` / Tяaf Attitude
Player neo. is a looser
Game Hero jops - jool
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) tяafeurs - night elf
Genre tяaf !*
Console ²
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
Paulo «Minipunk !*» - Colard -
Game : League of Legends - CS:GO
exGame : Wow Css
« Creativ` - 2005 2009- Tяaf Attitude »
[email protected]

┌── ► Paulo " Minipunk" C. × ─►
├── ► ESL Admin Team FR Minipunk
├── ► Css . HL²DM . WAR III TFT . AGE II
├── ► Creativ`
└── ► Hello² My Brothers ▪▪▪ lapach` & Scritch

Paulo - Minipunk - Colard
Manager Creativ` gaming
Creativ` Create your game Since december 2005

Have The TRAF Attitude
Just be punk ! And have fun on your game !

Creativ` Palmares

2nd Ping Arena 2k8 @ Tournefeuille (Crysis)
1st ESL Pro Series Season IV Finales @Gamers Assembly 2k8 @ Futuroscope (CSS)
1st Gamers Assembly 2k8 @ Futuroscope (CSS)
1st Crysis LDLC Contest 2k8 @ Paris (Crysis)
3rd ShokLan 2k8 @ Luneville (CSS)
2nd Atomic Re-so 2k8 @ Mont de Marsan (CoD4)
1st Atomic Re-so 2k8 @ Mont de Marsan (CSS)
2nd Godzilan 2k7 @ Yerres (DoDS)
3rd diGitalsace 2k7 @ Colmar (CSS)
4rd CGS European CSS Finals 2k7 @ Birmingham

See You on :
url[irc://][#Creativ`]url, ESL SK

1999 : Counter-Strike 1.5 - Age Of Empire II
2002 : Counter-Strike 1.6 - Warcraft III
2004 : Counter-Strike : Source - Warcraft III
2005 : Creativ` hip & ell
2007 : Counter-Strike : Source - World Of Warcraft

Playing :

World Of Warcraft
Nakins - rogue NE - Os Moz guild - Ysondre
Counter Strike Source
Minipunk - underlow skill -

Old time :

» Age Of Empire III
» GTA2
» Warcraft III The Frozen Throne
» Age of Empire I
» Warcraft II
» Starcraft
» Age Of Empire II
» CS 1.5
» CS 1.6
» DoD 1.3
» GTA Vice City
» GTA 3
» Panda Pang
» Enemy Territory Quake Wars
» All Windows games

Trafeurs , hip, l’apach`, dafunkk & Gerenjo.

lapach`, hip, dafunkk, Gerenjo, Scritch, Yeal, Pitou, Dicro, kiki, kikoo, Tutu, Pygm4lion, Gilou, Crazyman, good, hk-aeterna, Atilla, Undead_pyrahna, Mush, LuLu, Reveur, Srf1, Boumbo Magic, Skabz, aSh, Choupette, PomPomPom, gl4dius, Grimm, Bebe étoile, m3lKoR, Kryptos, Outlqw, Ass, Balwide, Hybride, Douxe, Madouf, Nitro, Ony, Fqte, BornDead, Marki, Red, WnR, hades, NoFun, Clara et Amandine, HrN, Ippo, FrX, Snk, XoY, Sheitan, pg*, Xylo, Noskill, h4xEn, raN, Diabalos, Doc , RoMe, Nfqst, Sdk, Ouk, Slogh, Blink, Aks, Makolee, HeBus, hyko, sOf, Salcon, Solvik, MaLak, LoWki, Ruby, pQulo, viZion, now4y, GuiLou, BuBul, .lode, mOu, RegnaM, F-X-, BF, Ducky, Hicks, dOnut, JennseN, Asso, T4nk, Fonkygun, Psykup, Flute, Asta, Malka, Razyël, Krispyz, Mirönthil, Wiadran, Magak, Onlysong, Sanja, Aringarosa, Yautja, Snori, Dace, Arkendas, Grand_Ma and other

Special Thanks to :
Juan - l'apach`
Manu - hip
Fred - dafunkk
Max - Aks
Thomas - pg*
Pierre - kikoo
Solvik - Solvik
Jean Mich Much - Krispyz
Lionel - Gerenjo

Traf » Minipunk Leader 1132 days

»» Team
[ex]1.6 TrAf with: kikoo . LuLu . Gilou . Ash . Reveur . Skabz . Srf1 . Eternal

[ex]Css Serial Guignol with : Jesus . Outlaw . Hybrid . Ass . Kryptos . Balwide . Madouf . Nitro . Ony

[ex]Css No Life . TrAf with : Jesus . Demo . ell . Tech . BornDead . Marki . Red . WnR . h@des

»» Crea historique :

line-up : Minipunk . Choupi . Hunter . Ippo . FrX

line-up : pg* . Snk . XoY . Xylo . SheTan . Noskill

line-up : Diabalos . Doc . Sdk . Ouk . Slogh . Blink

line-up : Aks . Makolee . Salcon . pg . sOf . Tommy . HeBus

line-up : F-X- . RegnaM . Hicks . Ducky . BF

line-up : RegnaM . AsP- . flexor . MateOo . shox

Staff : l'apach` . Mnpnk . Solvik . dafunkk . JennseN . ToGib .

»» ♪♥♫ Punk-Rock-Metal Sympho-Electro-Truc Space-Musik Learn To Listen

»» ☺♥ Brother Juan-`lapach

»» l♥ve caractere - ♪♥∞♫∂←♠↑→♣∂♂♀♦☼☺ - l☺l

»» ♠♣♦♥ - Kenshin - Isoka - Berserk - other
What the hell are you triing ?

»» Warcraft III TFT . TrAf_nAk

♫♪ ☼ ♪♫
»» l♥ve caractere - ♪♥∞♫∂←♠↑→♣∂♂♀♦☼☺ - l☺l

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« Minipunk. photo »
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