Gwydion E. 'RasenderFalke' Falk  id: 1473086
CPU Intel Core I7-4790K
RAM 8192 MB
Videocard ASUS STRIX-GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5
Soundcard On board
Storage SSD SATA 512 GB Crucial M550 + HDD SATA 2TB
Motherboard Asus Z97-P
Display 1x BenQ Zowie XL LCD ,2x BenQ E2420HD
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Antivirus Kaspersky
CD/DVD LG BH10LS30 Blu-Ray Brenner mit Lightscripe tech.
Mouse Logitech MX
Mouse Skatez Wenn mir jemand sagt was das ist ?
Mousepad Speedlink CRIPT
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones Sennheiser PC 350, PC 160, Beyerdynamic DT880Pro
Connection Kabel 200Mb/s
Wheel/Pedals n/a
Joypad PS4
TV Thomson 55" 3D LED
Sound system Edifier S730, Eigenbau, PC350, DT880
Console(s) Ipad Pro
Handheld(s) Game Boy, Game Boy color, Game Boy Advance
Mobile Phone Iphone 7
Drink Whisky
Food Pizza
Movie Born to Die
Music Rock/Hard Rock/heavy metal/blues/jazz
Song Trivium - A Gunshot To the Head OF Trepidation
Book Gwydion
Book author ka
Person Meine Mama
Actor / Actress Jessica Alba, Angelina Joli, Brad Pitt, Cloney
Car Lamborghini enzo
Sport Fußball
Athlete Götze
Map Turtle Rock
Clan mousesports
Player Tak3r
Game Hero Deamon hunter
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc
Genre Taktik
Console N64
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
"What´s going on ,if you sleep?"

All the World is a Stage

Have Fun and Good Luck in your live.