Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Core2Quad Q6600 |
RAM | OCZ DIMM kit 2GB DDR2-1066 5/5/5/15 NVIDIA SLI RDY |
Videocard | 2 SLI x NVIDIA XFX 8600 GT XXX Fatality |
Soundcard | Sennheiser PC-165 USB |
Storage | Western Digital Raptor X 150 Gb |
Motherboard | DFI LANPARTY UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R |
Display | Philips 109B60 19" |
OS | Windows XP |
Mouse | Razer DeathAdder |
Mouse Skatez | Hyperglyde |
Mousepad | SteelPad S&S |
Keyboard | SteelKeys 6G |
Headphones | Sennheiser HMD 25-1 |
Connection | Ono 25 MB |
Wheel/Pedals | Logitech MOMO Racing Force Feedback |
Joypad | Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar+CH Pro Pedals+TrackIR 4 |
TV | Avermedia Hybrid |
Sound system | Headphones |
Console(s) | Psone, Pstwo, PSP, PS3 |
Handheld(s) | ASUS P535 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | RedBull |
Food | Cheaps |
Movie | Top Gun |
Music | Trance (Nelson & Dresden, Armin, ...) |
Song | Vengaboys - Kiss |
Book | NA |
Book author | NA |
Person | My Dad |
Actor / Actress | Santiago Segura |
Car | Renault 19 Chamade |
Sport | Sillon Ball |
Athlete | Fernando Alonso |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_inferno |
Clan | complexity |
Player | fRoD[A] |
Game Hero | Solid Snake |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Undead |
Genre | FPS |
Console | Dreamcast (Shenmue) |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.media-vida.net |
Website 2 | http://www.arenazero.net |
Website 3 | http://www.escuadron111.c.. |
Website 4 | http://www.fernando-alons.. |
click on more ----> Personal Awards: 1st Clanbase Europa - Online - Cz - 2nd Netweekend 2k5 - LAN - Cs - 3rd NetZone Tour Alcobendas 2k5 - LAN- Cs:s - 3rd NetZone Tour Valdemoro 2k5- LAN - Cs - 2nd Termens Lan Party 2k5 - LAN - Cs - 2nd EnemyDown Cz Winter Cup 2k5/2k6 - Online - Cz 1st Gsys Tournament 2k5 - Online - Cz - 2nd Suicide Gaming League Div2 2k5 - Online] i- Cz - 5/8th Clanbase CS:CZ Hosted Cup 2k6 - i[Online - Cz - 9/10th WCG Zaragoza 2k6 - LAN - Cs - 3rd Netweekend 2k6 - LAN - Cs - 1st Atalaya LAN Party 2k7 - LAN - Cs - 3rd Atalaya LAN Party 2k7 - LAN - DOD - xD Launch options: -noforcemspd -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -freq 120 ================================================== World of Warcraft Enphoteron - 70 Undead Warlock C'Thun EU Server No More Play http://eu.wowarmory.com/charac...=C%27Thun&n=Enphoteron ================================================== Pc Hardware: Caja Point of View Turbine 2 Case http://www.pointofview-online....efault2.asp?content_id=169 http://img.clubic.com/photo/000000DC00263586.jpg Micro: Intel Core2 Quad Q6600< http://www.alternate.es/html/p...tDetails.html?artno=HPGI49 Mother board: DFI LANPARTY UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R http://us.dfi.com.tw/Product/x...TEGORY_TYPE=MB&SITE=US Graphic :2 SLI x NVIDIA XFX 8600 GT XXX Fatality http://www.alternate.es/html/p...tDetails.html?artno=JAXXHC RAM: OCZ DIMM kit 2 GB DDR2-1066 5/5/5/15 NVIDIA SLI READY http://www.alternate.es/html/p...tDetails.html?artno=IBIELJ Disco Duro: Western Digital Raptor X 150 Gb http://www.alternate.es/html/p...tDetails.html?artno=A9BW22 Fuente: Point of View Tangan 650 W SLI Ready http://www.pointofview-online....efault2.asp?content_id=196 DVD: LG GSA-H62N http://www.alternate.es/html/p...tDetails.html?artno=CEBL03 Gamer Hardware: Raton: Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0A P/N : X08 http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata.../2/1/webimg/10209726_o.jpg Teclado:Steel Keys 6G http://www.4frags.com/catalog/...me/teclado+steel+series+6g Cascos: Sennheiser PC-165, . http://www.4frags.com/catalog/...+sennheiser+pc+165+-+usb+- Monitor: Philips 109B60 19" Alfobrilla: SteelPad S&S. http://www.4frags.com/catalog/...e/alfombrilla+steelpad+s/s Varios: Steel Pad Gamer Glove, Mouse Bungee V2 Black http://www.4frags.com/catalog/...name/mouse+bungee+v2+negro Driving: Logitech MOMO Racing Force Feedback http://www.alternate.es/html/s...ils.html?artno=NJZL33& ================================================== Tte. Lopez Ala LOMAC Escuadron 111th http://www.escuadron111.com ================================================== Flying Hardware Joystick: Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar Hotas http://www.alternate.es/html/s...ils.html?artno=NJZT19& Pedales: CH Pro Pedals COM Port http://www.chproducts.com/retail/pedals.html TrackIR: Track IR 4 : PRO http://www.naturalpoint.com/tr...product-TrackIR-4-PRO.html Teclado : Logitech G15 Rev 3 http://www.4frags.com/catalog/...teclado+logitech+g15+rev+3 Touch Screen http://i13.ebayimg.com/04/i/000/96/7c/8be6_1.JPG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKv8KR8bX7w Equipo Dj 2x Technics sl1200 mk2 Pioneer Djm 600 S Capsulas: 2x ortofon scratch 1x stanton trackmaster 2 Micro Sennnheiser Cascos Sennnheiser HD 25-13 Etapa: Akiyama 1000x4 & technics 250x4 Altavoces: 2x JBL TSX 500 600w, 1 x ?? 500w Discoteca, 1 bombaa 2x 300 w Maletas Technics 4ever Vinilos: 5000 y aumentando ^.^ Mis 5 Temas preferidos vengaboys - kiss angel one - everybody's free Gouryella - Gouryella 4 string - into the nigth Laura Paussini - Surrender (el original nada de la remezcla del napo) Dj Preferido: Nacional (Abel the Kid & Raul Ortiz) Internacional (Ferry Corsten) Mejor momento de mi vida: Pinchando en una discoteca, levantar la vista de los platos y ver bailar a mas de 1000 personas al ritmo de TU musica. Solo de recordarlo se me ponen los pelos de punta. White Label & Red Bull Always!! Lopez notes (j0re que grande eres): Si vas fumao mira estos videos: - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDFoVxFEtto - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-ZO3oPMuxY - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx-NLPH8JeM Delfin y las torres gemelas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd5tUw1HD40 Matias el humilde http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFqEZRzFK9Y Mensaje de Raikkonen a Matias el Humilde http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFveCttJC_k Mensaje de Alonso a Matias el Humilde http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-LdQz9NUlQ&NR=1 matias owned by ford-T http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRYKdQvYakI Para ser conductor de primeeeeeeeeeeeeera .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f82bUsI6AY |