Hardware | |
CPU | Core2Quad |
Videocard | Radeon HD4870 |
Soundcard | Audigy2 ZS |
Storage | OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD (OS) & 2x500GB (Storage) |
Motherboard | Asus P5Q Deluxe |
Display | LG Flatron W2363 23" 3D Full-HD |
OS | Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit |
Antivirus | ESET |
CD/DVD | Pioneer Blu-Ray BD-203 |
Mouse | Logitech G500 |
Mousepad | fUnc 1030 |
Keyboard | Logitech Ultraflat Keyboard |
Headphones | Logitech G35 |
Connection | 10mbit |
Sound system | 6.1 surround |
Console(s) | NES,SNES,Wii |
Handheld(s) | iPaq 2210 |
Mobile Phone | BlackBerry 9700 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Beer |
Music | Hardcore |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_dust2 |
Genre | Crime |
Console | SNES |
Been playing Counter-Strike since 2000, now active in the CS:S scene. Old School CS Player since 2000, started out with nick MakeYouDie at BETA 6.5 back in the good old days. Then came in touch with the UK CS scene at the good old "EVA Public Slaying Ground" server (CS1.0, 1.1, 1.3; I think) And been playing with UK players ever since. Then changed my nick to the shorter version "Die" when I was in .exe (Execute) And at the moment I'm in a Benelux CS:S clan: Dutch Steam Friends www.dsfriends.nl I've been in many clans: BK^UdF - Born Killers Using Deadly Force XM - Xtreme Measures .exe - Execute - #execute (above three same clan; name changes) aG - addictive Gaming - #addictiveGaming mr^ - Maximum Retaliation - #clanmr^ eK - Team eKnobbers ba - Badattitude - #badattitude (above two same clan; name change) .ukv - UKVikings - #ukvinkings eFc - Elite Fight Corps - #e-F-c [EVA] - Evangelion - #evaclan |LBTG| - Live By The Gun DSF - Dutch Steam Friends -=]BB&B[=- Bullets, Bitches & Bros Still love the game! Die |