Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Quadcore Q6600 |
RAM | 3GB |
Videocard | Nvidia Geforce 650GTX |
Soundcard | Icemat Black |
Storage | Western Digital 1TB |
Motherboard | Asrock |
Display | Samsung Syncmaster T200 |
OS | Windows 7 Ultimate |
Antivirus | Avast Antivirus |
CD/DVD | Asus |
Mouse | Intelli 3.0 |
Mouse Skatez | none |
Mousepad | Qpad CT |
Keyboard | Logitech media keyboard |
Headphones | Icemat Siberia |
Connection | 50MBITS |
Wheel/Pedals | none |
Joypad | Logitech Dual Action |
TV | Samsung 32'' |
Console(s) | Playstation 3 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Beer |
Food | Chips ~~DD |
Movie | Scarface |
Music | Drumm & Bass |
Song | mehh |
Book | Headshot for dummies |
Book author | i don't like writers |
Person | my mum |
Actor / Actress | Jean Claude v Damme |
Car | Golf |
Sport | eSports, soccer |
Athlete | Henry |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_dust2 |
Clan | NiP |
Player | Get_Right |
Game Hero | Blademaster |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Orc |
Genre | FPS |
Console | PC |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 2 | http://www.gamelux.nl |
:) Right about now, the funk soul brother, check it out now, the funk soul brother. |