Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Athlon XP 2000+ |
RAM | 512 mb DDR |
Videocard | GeForce Ti 4200 |
Soundcard | 6.1 |
Storage | 120 GB |
Motherboard | Asus |
Display | 17° |
OS | Dos / Win2k |
CD/DVD | jop/jop |
Mouse | IntelliMouse Optical 1.1A |
Mouse Skatez | Stani |
Mousepad | SpeedPad |
Keyboard | Stani Cherry |
Headphones | Logitech |
Connection | DSL 1k |
Wheel/Pedals | im Auto |
Joypad | ist was für Frauen :p |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Hefe - Weizen |
Food | Haxe mit Knödels |
Movie | LotW |
Music | punk, rock und metal |
Song | Eye of the beholder |
Book | Dragonlance Romane |
Book author | Terry Pratchett |
Favourite... | |
Map | Real Life |
Clan | 2Generation |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Terror |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.daddeln.de |
Website 2 | http://www.just-another-l.. |
Website 3 | http://www.wirsindhollywo.. |
Website 4 | http://www.cs-manager.com |