David 'Diabo'1k' Elkaim  id: 1561812
CPU intel i5 2500k @ 4,5Ghz
RAM Cosaire 8 Go 1866 10-9-9-24 T1
Videocard SLI Gigabyte 560 Ti OC
Soundcard X-fi Fatality
Storage VelociRaptor 300 Raid 0 Go 10000 t/min
Motherboard Asus P8Z68V-Gen3
Display 2233RZ Samsung 22"
OS Seven 64
Antivirus Avira
Mouse G500
Mouse Skatez Qpad
Mousepad Qpad CT
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Roccat 5.1
Connection 2M
TV Samsung 40c6400
Sound system Yamaha rx-467+ 5.1 Focal Sib & Cub 2
Console(s) xbox360
Mobile Phone HTC desire
Drink Coca-cola
Food Couscous
Movie The RocK
Music Techno - Metal
Song Nightwish - The Kinslayer
Actor / Actress Ben styller
Car Mitsubishi eclipse
Sport Tennis - Foot
Map Karkand
Player FoX- Hz'0
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humains
Genre FPS
Console PS3