ForlornSailor  id: 1572458
CPU AMD Athlon 64 x2 4200+
RAM MDT 2x1024 MB Dual Channel
Videocard Sapphire ATi x1950xt
Storage WD 6400AAKS
Motherboard ASUS - VIAK8T890
Display BenQ FP91G*
OS Win XP Pro
CD/DVD NEC ND3550A & Toshiba SD-M1912
Mouse Logitech RX 1000
Keyboard Cherry eVolution stream
Connection Laajakaista
Console(s) all SEGA consoles
Drink Obolon 2000 & Tea
Food no meat plz ! Vegetarian 4 life !
Music HipHop & Crossover
Song Nokturnal Mortum - Perun's Celestial Silver
Athlete Pedrag Mijatovic
Map High Tech (F.E.A.R.)
Clan Missing in Action ;-)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) HUnewearl
Genre Strategy
Console SEGA Dreamcast
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Cause in the end, I knew that I would have it all
while non-believers, were prayin for my downfall
And some would call, and tell me that they wish me well
but in my heart, I'm knowin that they wish me hell

F.E.A.R. fortunes :

TcS 1on1 03/06 tournament : Place 2 (64 man)
TcS 1on1 02/06 tournament : Place 3 (32 man)
Clanbase 2on2 Ladder : Place 1 since 07.02.2006
Clanbase 3on3 OC Spring 2006 : PLACE 1 (20 clans)
Clanbase 4on4 TDM Cup Fall 2006 : PLACE 1
Clanbase Nationscup 2006/Team Finland : Place 3
LGZ 1x1 Opening Cup : Place 5 (64 man)
LGZ 2x2 Opening Cup : PLACE 1 (32 clans)
ESL 3x3 TDM Cup Winter 06 : PLACE 1
ESL 3x3 Control Cup Winter 06 : Place 3
ESL 2x2 Cup Fall2k6 : PLACE 1
ESL 1x1 Combat Cup : Place 21
CB 1on1 Ladder : #1 20.01.2006 - 05.12.2006
ESL 2on2 DE Ladder : #1 12.02.2006-25.09.2006 (120 days+)
ESL 3on3 DE Ladder : #1 15.06.2006-26.09.2006
#1 06.10.2006-??.??.????(120 days+)
ESL 1on1 EU Ladder : #1 01.07.2006-??.??.???? (120 days+)
ESL 2on2 EU Ladder : #1 13.12.2006-??.??.???? (60 days)
ESL 1on1 DE Ladder : #1 20.09.2006-21.09.2006
#1 19.10.2006-08.12.2006
#1 21.12.2006-31.07.2007(120 days+ )

more to come... stay tuned !