Alexander 'Mr. Major LexX' Maier  id: 1574283
CPU MD Athlon64 X2 4200 AM2
RAM 3GB DDR2-RAM PC-533 Buffalo (3x1024 MB)
Videocard Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT
Soundcard Soundchip für 7.1 Sound onboard
Storage 500GB S-ATA, 300MB/Sek. (2x250 GB)
Motherboard MSI K8N Diamond54G Socket939 ATX FSB1000 incl.PC54
Display Yuraku MJ9C 19" TFT-Display (4ms)
OS Windows XP Proffesional
CD/DVD LG-DVD±RW Doublelayer-Brenner LighScribe
Mouse Logitech MX Revolution/ G5
Mouse Skatez Craz
Mousepad Steelpad L5/ Razer Pro Solution
Keyboard Razer Tarantula/ Logitech G11
Headphones Speedlink Medusa 360/ Sennheiser PC166
Connection T-Online | DSL 2000 | FP
Wheel/Pedals Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Joypad Logitech ChillStream
TV Samsung
Sound system CAT 7.1 System/ Logitech Z3
Console(s) X-Box 360° / warte auf XBox-portable
Handheld(s) was?
Drink Vanilla Coke
Food PiZZa, Pommes, Pelmeni, Manti
Movie A Gamer's Day, DOOM, Simpsons The Movie
Music 2 Pac
Song The Change
Book Harry Potter
Book author N/A
Person Meine süsse kleine Nichte
Actor / Actress Carmen Electra
Car Mercedes
Sport Fußball, Baseball
Athlete Jordan
Map de_cbble
Clan xeTox | :D
Player LexX | :D
Game Hero Der PrinZ
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humans
Genre hmmm...
Console X-Box 360°
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
"leben ... statt zocken!" und nicht "zocken ... statt leben" (c) Alex M.

Artur du fehlst mir!