Dawid 'D 'Ogi' Ogi  id: 1576316
CPU Core 2 Duo E4400 @ 3.1 GHZ
Videocard Palit nVidia GeForce 8800 GT 1GB
Soundcard Creative Sound Blaster 5.1 Digital
Storage 400 GB
Display LG Flatron F900P 19"; 17"
OS SuSE 10.1; Win2003
Mouse A4Tech X-750F
Keyboard Logitech Y ST-39
Headphones DJ CHM 51
Connection Netia on Thomson SpeedTouch ST 330 @ 2,5MBit/s
Wheel/Pedals yes, I have
Console(s) PS2, PS one, Pegasus
Drink yes, I have
Food yes, I have
Movie yes, I have
Music yes, I have
Song yes, I have
Book yes, I have
Book author yes, I have
Person yes, I have
Actor / Actress yes, I have
Car yes, I have
Sport yes, I have
Athlete yes, I have
Map yes, I have
Clan yes, I have
Player yes, I have
Game Hero yes, I have
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) yes, I have
Genre yes, I have
Console yes, I have
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://swat4.gram.pl
Website 3 http://mortal-clan.eu
Website 4 http://forum.mortal-clan...
War Rock GameDeveloper, SWAT4 PL GameDeveloper, SWAT4 International Master League Admin, International Support Admin, GFX Squad International Designer


War Rock GameDeveloper
SWAT4 PL GameDeveloper,
SWAT4 International Master League Admin,
International Support Admin,
GFX Squad International Designer


In 1989 Dawid was born in a town called Andrychow, which is near Wadowice in Poland. In the age of 8 he loved to play Pegasus. He loved Mario most. He got his first PC in 1998. Starting from Heretic. He has brought Delphi 2 course in 2000. Now he play SWAT4 for two years. He started first professional Polish SWAT4 leagues. He runned Polish SWAT Scene.