Sacume, der Farmer  id: 1599733
CPU Intel Core2 Duo X6800 Extreme 2x 2.93GHz S775
RAM 2048MB RAM Corsair
Videocard 2x NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2
Soundcard SoundMax
Storage 750 GB
Display Samsung SM930BF 19" tft
OS Windows XP Prof. SP2
Mouse MX518
Mousepad Razor Mantis Ctrl
Keyboard Microsoft Pro Media
Headphones Speedlink NX 5.1
Connection 6000+fp
Wheel/Pedals nüsch
Joypad SNES-Joypad :>
TV irgendeinen halt
Sound system Logitech
Console(s) Alles von Nintendo (außer wii)
Handheld(s) alles bis auf den DS :D
Drink Eistee
Food Pizza
Movie Disney-Filme
Music Electro
Song Alles mögliche
Book xD
Book author xD
Person Meine Mama
Actor / Actress Bruce Lee
Car Audi
Sport :<
Athlete niemand
Map de_dust2
Clan SBC.gaming
Game Hero Der Manaritter xD
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undead!
Genre RPG
Console SNES
Back to the roots :O