Kevin 'Luci' Lavelle  id: 1618722
CPU Intel i5 750 OC 4Ghz
RAM 8GB Kingston HyperX Genesis Grey 1600MHZ
Videocard SAPPHIRE AMD Radeon R9 280X Vapor-X OC 3GB
Soundcard On Board
Storage 2TB
Motherboard ASUS P7P55D LE
Display Samsung S27A950D 27-Inch 3D LCD Monitor
OS Windows 7
Antivirus MSE
Mouse Logitech MX518
Mousepad CM Storm CSX Battle Pad DP
Keyboard QPad MK80
Headphones QPad 1339
Connection 60Mb Virgin
Drink Beer 8D
Food Pizza
Movie Sin City, Shutter Island
Music Led Zep, Pink Floyed, Dire Straits, The Who etc
Song Pink Floyd - Coming Back To Life
Person My late Grandfather
Actor / Actress Mila Kunis
Car Aston Martin Vanq
Sport Fishing, Gaming
Map Tehran Highway
Player Mazi
Game Hero Solid Snake
Genre FPS
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.Reason-Gaming...
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***LAN/Offline Achievements***


2nd multiplay i38 bf2 lan
3rd Multiplay i29 bf2 lan
3rd Multiplay i30 bf2 lan
1st Multiplay i31 bf2 lan
4th Multiplay i34 bf2 lan
3rd Multiplay i39 BFBC2 lan
2nd Multiplay i40 BFBC2 lan
1st xleague tv show match etqw
1st Multiplay i44 BF3 lan
1st Multiplay i45 BF3 lan
1st DreamHack 2012 QPAD BF3 FFA £1000 hardware
4th DreamHack 2012 AMD Sapphire BF3 £570

Online BF3

2nd Go4BF3 8v8 Finals
1st 4PL 8v8 - Razer Hardware
2nd Go4BF3 8v8 Warm-up Cup #3
3rd Go4BF3 8v8 #4
2nd Go4BF3 8v8 #6 - Final
3rd Go4BF3 8v8 #11
3rd 4PL Play4BF3 8v8 CQ. Jan. Finale - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #13 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #14 Finale - 500€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #15 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #16 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #17 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #18 Finale - 500€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #19 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #20 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #21 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #22 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #23 - 100€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #24 - 100€
1st Alienware Arena Invitational 8v8 Final - 1000€
1st Go4BF3 8v8 #25 Finals - 500€
1st ClanBase BF3 Conquest 8v8 OC Spring 2012