stvN  id: 1648948
CPU Pentium D
RAM Riegel
Videocard GeForce 1
Soundcard Aztech Sound Galaxy 16 Pro
Storage 128 MB
Motherboard Was meine Mutter ?
Display ist aus
OS Windows 3.0
Antivirus Lol wofür ?
CD/DVD Beides
Mouse Kugelmaus
Mouse Skatez ^
Mousepad Teppich
Keyboard was sonst ?
Headphones eine Box
Connection 1337
Wheel/Pedals +
Console(s) ^ in CS
Mobile Phone Alcatel Sem340
Drink Wasser
Movie Fast and the Furious
Music Alles was mir gefällt
Person Ich, wer sonst ?!
Car Dodge Charger 69
Sport MotoCross
Athlete Jeremy McGrath
Map de_cbble, de_nuke
Clan eoLithic
Player ReX0r :D
Game Hero Link
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Tauren