Hardware | |
CPU | Pentium D |
RAM | Riegel |
Videocard | GeForce 1 |
Soundcard | Aztech Sound Galaxy 16 Pro |
Storage | 128 MB |
Motherboard | Was meine Mutter ? |
Display | ist aus |
OS | Windows 3.0 |
Antivirus | Lol wofür ? |
CD/DVD | Beides |
Mouse | Kugelmaus |
Mouse Skatez | ^ |
Mousepad | Teppich |
Keyboard | was sonst ? |
Headphones | eine Box |
Connection | 1337 |
Wheel/Pedals | + |
Console(s) | ^ in CS |
Mobile Phone | Alcatel Sem340 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Wasser |
Movie | Fast and the Furious |
Music | Alles was mir gefällt |
Person | Ich, wer sonst ?! |
Car | Dodge Charger 69 |
Sport | MotoCross |
Athlete | Jeremy McGrath |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_cbble, de_nuke |
Clan | eoLithic |
Player | ReX0r :D |
Game Hero | Link |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Tauren |