d3gr33  id: 1652562
CPU AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition
RAM 8192 MB DDR2
Videocard Sapphire Vapor-X Radeon HD 4870 mit 1024MB GDDR5
Soundcard onboard 7.1
Storage Seagate SATAII 1,5 TB, Seagate SATAII 300GB
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-MA780G-UD3H
Display Samsung 930BF + Asus VW161D
OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Antivirus Norton AntiVirus 2011
Mouse Logitech G500
Mousepad Raptor Speed-Pad
Headphones Sennheiser
Connection 50 Mbit
TV Panasonic 42'' Plasma
Sound system Logitech Z-2300
Console(s) Playstation 1+2+3, XBox360
Drink Bier
Movie The Fast and the Furious, Blade, Lord of War
Music Trance, Hardstyle, Dancecore
Car Golf 2
Map Strike at Karkand
Clan eSport-Syndicate
Console Playstation 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.esport-syndica..
Website 2 http://www.winfuture.de
Website 3 http://www.bf-games.net
Website 4 http://www.bf-news.de