Dhriti 'AahnaAiden' Sharma  id: 16639114
CPU AMD Ryzen 3950X
RAM Trident G-Skill Neo 32 GB
Videocard EVGA Geforce GTX 1080 Ti
Storage Seagate BarraCuda Pro 3TB
Motherboard Asus Prime X570 Pro
Display Acer Predator XB241H 144Hz
OS Windows 10 Pro
Antivirus Windows Defender
Mouse Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Logitech G 240
Keyboard Corsair K95 Platinum
Headphones Logitech G 935
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S9+
Drink Triple Mocha Frappuchino / Jaljeera
Food Chipotle Rice Bowl / Biryani / Paneer Tikka Masala
Movie Gladiator / Kimi No Nawa / Thanks Maa
Music Rock / Sufi / Country / Many More
Song Deh Shiva / 45Seconds / Black Parade
Book Thus Spake Zarathustra / The Art of War
Book author Friedrich Nietzsche / Sun Tzu
Person Myself
Actor / Actress Benedict Cumberbatch / Irrfan / Margot Robbie
Car Lamborghini Aventador Carbonado
Sport Basketball
Athlete Michael Jordan / Kobe Bryant / LeBron James
Map Border
Clan G2 Esports
Player Shaiiko
Game Hero GLaDOS
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Vampires
Genre Strategy
Console PlayStation
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://ocw.mit.edu
Website 2 http://animeflix.in
Website 3 http://reddit.com
Website 4 http://khanacademy.org