Γιάννης 'oldschool' Λουκάτος  id: 1667445
CPU AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT 512 MB
Soundcard soundblaster
Storage 200Gb sata
Motherboard NVIDIA Crush
Display ViewSonic UltraBrite E92f+
OS Microsoft Windows XP Professional v.5.1.2600
Antivirus -
CD/DVD Creative Nec LG
Mouse Microsoft Intellimouse 3.0 , Razer DeathAdder
Mouse Skatez Soft
Mousepad SteelPad QcK+
Keyboard Microsoft Optical Desktop 1000
Headphones Sennheiser PC 160 SK edition
Connection Forthnet ADSL 2Play 24Mb/1Mb
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad -
TV AverTV Plus
Sound system -
Console(s) -
Handheld(s) -
Drink Jack Daniels with Amarreto, Lamborghini Cocteil
Food epilektika
Movie Never Back Down
Music ma`shit
Song -
Book The Mystic
Book author wtf?
Person Stelios Lazarou RIP
Actor / Actress Σταμάτης Γαρδέλης - Johnny Knoxville..............
Car Lamborghini Diablo SV
Sport Skateboarding, Motocross
Athlete Rodney Mullen, David Belle
Map de_train, de_cpl_mill, de_nuke, de_tuSKUNK
Clan deaThRow, eoLithic, VL, SK
Player V3NoM, Arctic, HACKER^_^
Game Hero Troll
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Saiyan
Genre sas gamaw
Console PC, PlayStation(s), Nintendo Wii
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.youtube.com
Website 2 http://www.google.gr
Website 3 http://-
Website 4 http://-
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