iReLeXt  id: 1672242
CPU Intel Core i7 6700K Skylake 4x 4,2 GHz
RAM 2x 8GB Kingston DDR5
Videocard Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB DDR5
Soundcard Intel High Definition Audio
Storage 1x 500GB SSD + 240GB SSD + 2TB WD + 20TB WD NAS
Motherboard Gigabyte Z170-Gaming K3
Display 32" AOC & 27" BenQ PD2700Q LED
OS Microsoft Windows 10 PRO 64Bit
Antivirus GDATA Total Internet Security 2018
CD/DVD LG Blu-ray 3D Burn & Read
Mouse Roccat Kone Aimo RGB
Mouse Skatez N/A
Mousepad OneGaming
Keyboard Roccat Skltr RGB
Headphones Astro A50 Wireless
Connection V-DSL 1000 Mbit & T-DSL 100 Mbit
Wheel/Pedals N/A
Joypad PlayStation 4 & Xbox One Controller
TV Samsung 55" 4K HDR+
Sound system Samsung HW Q80R 4K Soundbar
Console(s) PS4 Pro 1TB, Xbox One X 1TB, PS3, N64, SNES, uvm.
Handheld(s) iPad Pro 12,9" 2020 512 GB, Nintendo Switch
Mobile Phone Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max 512 GB pacificblue
Drink Coffee, Monster Energy, Desperados, Baileys
Food CH/AT/GER/USA eat, fruits & vegetables, proteins
Movie Star Wars Saga, LotR & The Hobbit Saga, James Bond
Music Rap, Soul, HipHop, Drum N Base, Rock, New Metal
Song ICP - Halls of Illusions & FU, Adrenalin - Road
Book Animes, The Walking Dead, DC & Marvel
Book author Steve Jobs
Person my wife and my kids
Actor / Actress Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Jason S
Car BMW, Audi, GMC, Cadillac, 64 Chevrolet Impala SS
Sport Basketball, Soccer, Mountain biking, Hiking
Athlete Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan, The Undertaker
Map de_cobble, de_dust2, de_piranesi
Clan 4DA, Heinerfest, DFDS, ToA, mySF, SFTO
Player [ToA]Storm, [DkH]mmmBob, [TAMM]Gotteshand
Game Hero Jinx, Kalista, Blitzcrank, Tresh, Katarina, Mario
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nightelves, Orcs
Genre Action, Adventure, Stradegy, Shooter
Console NES, SNES, N64, GB, Wii, PSX, PS², SMD
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
╔══►◙ Projects: 4 damage addicted
╠═►◙ Youtube Channel: iReLeXt
╠═►◙ Twitch: click
╠═►◙ Event: Gamescom 2024 | Nationality: USA/CH/GER/AT/PL
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