Gimli  id: 1711132
CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 2x 3404.99 MHz
RAM OCZ Platinum XTC Rev. 2 DDR2-800 2x 1GB @ 425.6 MH
Videocard XFX GeForce 8800 GTS
Soundcard Creative Audigy SE 7.1 Audio
Storage mehrere Sata II
Motherboard MSI K9N Diamond MS-7226
Display Acer Value Line AL2216Wd 22 Zoll Widescreen
OS XP Prof. SP2
CD/DVD 5 1/4 zoll Laufwerk
Mouse Logitech G9 Laser 3200dpi
Mouse Skatez ????????
Mousepad eXactMat & eXactRest Mauspad und Silikonhandauflag
Keyboard Saitek Eclipse
Headphones Sharkoon Majestic 5.1 Headset
Connection DSL6000 FastPath
Wheel/Pedals hab ich im Auto
Joypad braucht kein mensch
Drink Kubalibre / Wein
Food Chinesisch / Japanisch
Movie Die Verurteilten
Music Heavy Metal
Song Fear of the Dark /Iron Maiden
Book Der Drachenbein Thron
Book author Tad Williams
Person mei schneckerl ;)
Actor / Actress Heather Brooke
Car ....egal, Motorräder >>>TL1000R for ever
Sport Motorradrennen/ RC Modellauto Monstertrucks 1:8
Athlete Ich
Clan *no.aim|
Player *no.aim| =>Gimli
Game Hero *no.aim| =>Gimli
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Erdferkel
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.computerbase.d..
Website 3
Website 4