night  id: 1713205
CPU AMD64 X2 5200+
RAM 2 GB DDR2 800 Kingston
Videocard GeForce 8800 GTS
Soundcard USB Sound (Sennheiser)
Storage 1 TB Hitachi
Motherboard ASUS M3N78-EMH-HDMI
Display Samsung T220 (22" Widescreen)
OS Windows 7 Ultimate
Mouse Logitech MX 518
Mousepad Steelseries Qck
Keyboard Logitech Multimedia Keyboard
Headphones Plantronics
Connection Arcor 16000 + FP
Joypad Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2
Console(s) Sony PSP
Drink Volvic Kirsch/Apfel
Food Pizza / Chinesisch
Movie The Day The Earth Stood Still
Music The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Song Waiting
Actor / Actress Will Smith
Map de_train
Clan Fnatic
Player Patrik 'f0rest' Lindberg
Game Hero Cloud - Squall - Tidus
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nightelf
Genre Ego-Shooter / Beat ’em up
Console Sony PSP