Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Phenom 4x 2,8 ghz |
RAM | 4gb DDR2 |
Videocard | Geforce 9800gt |
Soundcard | onboard |
Storage | 500gb |
Motherboard | Gigabyte |
Display | Yakumo |
OS | Vista 64bit |
Antivirus | - |
CD/DVD | - |
Mouse | Wintech |
Mouse Skatez | - |
Mousepad | Tisch |
Keyboard | G11 |
Headphones | Speedlink |
Connection | Dsl 16k |
Wheel/Pedals | - |
Joypad | - |
TV | - |
Sound system | - |
Console(s) | WII |
Handheld(s) | DS |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Redbull |
Food | alles |
Movie | The Fast and the Furios 1-4 |
Music | Billy Talent |
Song | viele |
Book | Hp und Hdr z.b. |
Book author | J . K. R. |
Person | Ich |
Actor / Actress | - |
Car | Nissan Skyline Gtr 34 |
Sport | Fußball |
Athlete | Alex Frei |
Favourite... | |
Map | Dust2 |
Clan | Pillarboys ;) |
Player | Ich |
Game Hero | Ich |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Orcs |
Genre | Ego-shooter |
Console | Wii |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://pillarboys.de |
4Players Liga - Faire Spiele, echte Sieger www.Pillarboys.de Multigaming since 2004 |