Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Core i7 7700 |
RAM | DDR4 16GB 2x8GB |
Videocard | Nvidia Geforce GTX1060 6GB |
Soundcard | MSI |
Storage | Kingston SSD128GB |
Motherboard | MSI |
Display | Samsung 2233RZ 3D READY - LG LED 32" |
OS | Windows 10 |
Mouse | G9 |
Mousepad | SteelSeries |
Keyboard | G15 |
Headphones | MSI |
Connection | 50mb |
TV | LG 32" |
Console(s) | Xbox One, Switch |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Cacola |
Food | Rice |
Movie | HEAT |
Song | God moving over the face of the Waters |
Book | El Hobbit |
Book author | J. R. R. Tolkien |
Person | Melnaboo |
Actor / Actress | Christian Bale |
Car | Citroen C4 |
Sport | Fitness |
Athlete | Michael Jordan |
Favourite... | |
Map | Laguna Alta |
Clan | HEAT |
Player | Castor |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Undead |
Console | Xbox One |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.legion501.es |
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ← 13 Adwards → ★★★★★★★★★ ★ 1ºCB Ladder Española(VGA Gaming)BF2 ★ 1ºESL Conquest 8vs8 spring 2010 (o2R) BC2 ★ 1ºInfantry Battlefield Spain(VGA Gaming)BF2 ★ 2ºESL Conquest Masters(VGA Gaming)BF2 ★ 1ºxbox360 torneo media-vida.net GearsofWar ★ 6º /10º The King of iron Fist Tekken6 2010 ★ 8ºPs2 Campus Party 2005 Tekken5 ★ 1º2vs2 Ladder Española(GR-eSports)DODS ★ 2ºESL Conquest Masters(VGA Gaming)BF2 ★ 3º LEB2 @ Lan! (RLP06)(Clan Collons)BF2 ★ 4º ESL Infantry Summer Cup (VGA Gaming)BF2 ★ 5º/8ºInfantryOpenCupFall2006PremierLeague(VGA) ★ 8º/12º CB EuroCupBF2(VGA Gaming )BF2 ★ 2ºESL SBL First divison( VGA Gaming )BF2 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ |