Jamie 'jf' Frost  id: 1813763
CPU amd athlon 4200x2
RAM 1gb
Videocard xfx geforce 7900gt
Soundcard random pc world 5.1
Storage on the floor :P
Motherboard something bothersome
Display samsung syncmaster 924w
OS windows xp pro
Antivirus nvidia firewall/sydgate
Mouse razer deathadder
Mousepad steelpad qck+
Keyboard logitech wireless :(
Headphones icemat siberia duct tape edition
Connection fucked
Wheel/Pedals logitech g25 (OH YEAAAAAH)
TV parent's old 25"
Console(s) everything made by nintendo since the 80's
Handheld(s) game boy classic
Drink orange juice, zoider, tea
Food pretty much everything except eggs
Movie in bruges
Music bloc party, spiky indie music
Song many
Book discworld, cloud atlas
Book author terry pratchett
Person loveable ones
Actor / Actress keira knightley
Car my lovely ford ka
Sport football, cricket
Athlete luka modric
Map inferno
Clan jogon
Player me. i am complete
Game Hero samus aran
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) blood elf
Genre fps, rts, mmorpg
Console will always have a huge soft spot for the gamecube