Hardware | |
CPU | AMD FX 8350 |
RAM | 8GB |
Videocard | GTX 960 |
Soundcard | 7.1 OnBoard |
Motherboard | Gigabyte |
Display | LG 23Zoll LED FullHD |
OS | Win 7 64 Bit UT |
Antivirus | Avast |
CD/DVD | LG DvD Brenner |
Mouse | Logitech G400 |
Mousepad | von Raptor |
Keyboard | G810 |
Headphones | G933 |
Connection | DSL 50K |
TV | Phillips 3000er Serie 107cm FullHD |
Sound system | Logitech X 514 |
Console(s) | PS3, PS2, PS1, N64, Nintendo Wii, XBox, DreamCast |
Handheld(s) | PSP, GameBoy |
Mobile Phone | Huawei P9 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Fanta, Red Bull |
Food | Pizza |
Movie | Dawn of the Death und weiter Horror Filme |
Music | Eigentlich Alles |
Song | Alles Mögliche |
Person | Keine |
Actor / Actress | Will Smith |
Sport | eSports, Fussball |
Athlete | Kahn |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_overpass |
Player | Me |
Game Hero | Der lange von Tetris |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Orcs |
Genre | EgoShooter und Horror |
Console | PS2, PSP, PS3, XBox ONE |
TrustLevel 3 is Coming!!!! |