Japetus  id: 1825616
CPU 3.0 GHz Pentium D Dual Core 830
RAM 1024 Mb
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce 6700
Soundcard Realtek 5.1 Onboard
Storage Seagate: 250Gb S-ATA/200Gb ATA
Motherboard ka
Display 17" Röhre
OS Windows XP-Home SP2
Mouse Logitech MX 512
Mouse Skatez ^^SAS^^
Mousepad Speed Pad
Keyboard Logitech Media Desktop
Headphones Plantronics Gamecom1
Connection aonSpeed 2Mbit DSL
Wheel/Pedals bauch i net fia css
Joypad brauch i a net
TV leider NOCH keinen HDTV^^
Sound system PC 5.1 Surround
Console(s) Für was konsole!! Ich hab nen PC!!
Handheld(s) ??
Drink White Russian und Magners Cider
Food Allesfresser und scharfe sachen
Movie Braveheart / Donnie Darko / Fear and Loathing
Music Melodic Viking Death Metal (Amon Amarth)
Song Thousand years of opression
Book Chronik der Unsterblichen (Serie)
Book author Wolfgang Hohlbein
Person Johan Hegg
Actor / Actress Jonny Depp
Car Mazda MX5 / 6 Sport // Lotus Elise
Sport ist Mord
Athlete Lance Armstrong
Map Dustwars / Piranesi
Clan Masturbation Mania reunion^^
Player Shro_Om / RaZer
Game Hero Der Unbekannte aus GTA3
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Rothwardone
Genre Ego-shooter & Rollenspiele
Console Für was konsole!! Ich hab nen PC!!
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.Inflict-gaming..
Website 2 http://www.wacken.com
Website 3 http://www.metalcamp.com
Website 4 http://www.amonamarth.com