Gábor 'VSZM' Szegedi  id: 1890162
CPU Core 2 Q9400
RAM 2*1 GB Goodram DDR2 800 mhz
Videocard Geforce 9800 GT
Soundcard Built-in
Storage 80+160 GB samsung
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3
Display Albacomp LCD
OS Windows 7
Antivirus Nod 32
CD/DVD Samsung DVD writer
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mousepad dont know but it is dirty^^
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones genius
Connection 5120/768 Kbit cable
Wheel/Pedals Logitech Formula Force EX
Sound system 5.1
Drink Pálinka, Whisky, Kakaó
Food górétál=), gyros
Movie SW 2 attack of the clones
Music System of a Down, Dalriada, Kárpátia
Song Soldier side, Galamb, Felvidéki táj
Book The thrawn trilogy
Book author Tymothy Zahn
Person Vitéz Nagybányai Horthy Miklós
Actor / Actress Jim Carrey
Car Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX
Sport Football
Map Jabba's Palace, Rhen Var: Harbor
Clan URS|, En'Ten
Player URS|K@mik@z3, URS|nikol
Game Hero Shepard, Kyle Katarn
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Reps
Every Dark Lord's name begins with "V". Lord Vader, Lord Voldemort and for the last but not the least: Lord VSZM..A phrase by me: Objective is above pride for a Sith..

I hope you get that this is a joke or at least a wannabee^^