Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Pentium D Inside 3.0 GHZ |
RAM | 1.024 MB |
Videocard | EVGA GeForce 7950 GT 512 MB |
Soundcard | Realtek Onboard |
Storage | Intern: 250 GB + Extern: 360 GB |
Motherboard | ASUS |
Display | Hyunday L72 D |
OS | Windows XP Home Edition |
CD/DVD | Samsung 48x |
Mouse | Razer Copperhead Tempest Blue |
Mouse Skatez | - |
Mousepad | Exponent |
Keyboard | Logitech G15 |
Headphones | Speedlink |
Connection | ALiCE DSL 16.000 Mbit/s |
Wheel/Pedals | - |
Joypad | - |
TV | TV Karte onboard |
Sound system | - |
Console(s) | - |
Handheld(s) | - |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Cola |
Food | Pizza |
Movie | The Fast & The Furious TD |
Music | Hip Hop, House, Pop |
Song | - |
Book | - |
Book author | - |
Person | - |
Actor / Actress | - |
Car | Nissan Skyline |
Sport | Tennis |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_nuke |
Genre | Action / Ego Shooter |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.jeatrexs.de |
Website 2 | http://www.esl.eu/de |
[˚»˚] [teilweise aktiv - √] [˚»˚] [800x600xsmall - √] I HAVE BROESELS IN MY CAPS-LOCK |