Hardware | |
CPU | I7 4x3,6 GHZ |
RAM | 4 x 4096 |
Videocard | GForce 560GTX |
Soundcard | ka... onboard |
Storage | 128 GB SSD, 2TB SATA |
Motherboard | MSI |
Display | 2x Samsung 23" |
OS | Win 7 |
Antivirus | Avira Premium |
Mouse | Logitech G500 |
Mousepad | Alienware |
Keyboard | Microsoft |
Headphones | Saitek Siberia V2 |
Connection | 8MB down | 512 up |
Joypad | Saitek Gaming Pad |
Sound system | 5.1 Creative |
Console(s) | PS1 ;), PS3 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Redbull |
Food | PIZZA, Chinesisch |
Movie | Wir waren Helden, Full Metall Jacket,, ... |
Music | Alles Mögliche <--- DJ |
Song | House of Pain -Jump, Fatboy Slim - alles |
Book | -- |
Book author | -- |
Actor / Actress | -- |
Car | Seat Toledo Variant |
Sport | Volleyball, Fußball, Eishockey |
Favourite... | |
Genre | Action Shooter |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.dj-mca.com |
Website 2 | http://www.marc-andrej.at |
Website 3 | http://www.google.at |
3rd place @nur48stunden LAN-Party Cod4 3on3 :) CLAN HISTORY: Blackhawk Down - Demur - Killers (2 Jahre) - Krisen Reaktions Kräfte (2 Monate) - Demur - Killers (1 Jahr) - Alternative Killers (3 Jahre) Call of Duty IV - Alternative Killers ( 4 Jahre ) - Seen ( < 1 Monat) - The Devils Regiment (3 Monate) - Blood Clan Germany (11 Monate) - INRI Esports BF3 - INRI Esports |