KC  id: 2018822
CPU Conre2Quad Core Q6600
RAM 2x2GB G.Skill
Videocard Asus EAH3870
Soundcard SB Audigy2 ZS
Storage 500+500+300+80 :)
Motherboard Gigabyte PE5
Display Samsung SyncM 731BF
OS Vista
CD/DVD Pioneer
Mouse Microsoft Laser 6000
Mouse Skatez Cyber Snipa Mouse Mat eye
Mousepad Sharkoon 1337 XL G.MAT AQUA
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Altec Lancing
Connection DSL 24Mbps
TV Thomson tubanotv 30"
Sound system Creative 4.1
Drink Tequila
Food Pizza
Movie The Business
Music Heavy Heavy Heavy Metal
Song In the shadow of the horns
Book Art Of Deception
Book author Liakopoulos
Actor / Actress Jenna Jameson
Car Opel Corsa '91
Sport Sex
Athlete Rocco
Map de_train
Clan NiP
Player frodA
Game Hero Max Payne
Console oute kan..
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.noobwars.gr
Website 2 http://www.pi.pwp.blueyon..
I am war, I am pain ,I am all you've ever slain
I am tears in your eyes ,I am grief, I am lies