Hardware | |
CPU | i7 920 OC'd @ 3.3ghz |
RAM | 6GB |
Videocard | nvidea GTx 270 |
Soundcard | Soundblaster Audigy |
Storage | 1TB |
Motherboard | ? |
OS | vista |
Mouse | logitech G17 |
Mousepad | alienware icepad |
Keyboard | G15 |
Connection | 8mb |
TV | 40inch samsung HD TV |
Sound system | surround sound |
Console(s) | 360 |
Handheld(s) | DS, PSP |
Favourite... | |
Drink | voddy n coke |
Food | broccoli and cheese :D |
Movie | Pirates of the Carribean |
Music | Bullet for my Valentine |
Song | I can tell there was an accident here earlier |
Book | Lord of the Rings |
Person | Jonny Depp |
Actor / Actress | Honny Depp |
Car | BMW Z4 |
Sport | Paintballing |
Athlete | anyone whos phitt :p |
Favourite... | |
Map | Sharqi |
Clan | [TC]TitleChasers |
Player | sexypie |
Game Hero | Link - Zelda |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Elves |
Genre | Sci-fi |
Console | 360 |