xaaR  id: 209563
CPU Intel Core2Duo E6750
RAM 4GB DDR @ 800mhz
Videocard GeForce 6800 GT
Soundcard Soundblaster Audigy 2
Storage 300GB
Motherboard Gigabyte P35
Display SyncMaster 19"
CD/DVD BenQ DVD Brenner
Mouse RazerDeathadder
Mousepad S&S
Keyboard Cherry
Headphones SteelSound 5hv2
Connection TDSL 16000
Drink Cuba Libré
Food zu viel ;D
Movie Was Frauen wollen, Der Pate, Heat, GoodFellas
Music HipHop, RnB, House, Rock
Song wechselt ständig
Book Mordshunger
Book author Frank Schätzing
Person meine Freundin :-)
Actor / Actress Samuel L Jackson ; Al Pacino ; Robert de Niro
Car Porsche 911, AudiA4 Kombi
Sport Basketball
Athlete Dirk Nowitzki
Map de_aztec, de_dust2
Game Hero Kane - C&C1 :P
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://readmore.de
Website 2 http://gamestar.de
Website 3 http://german-bash.org
Website 4 http://fat-pie.com
I had my demo directly after the match uploaded.
Because of the problems could not be downloaded.
Then, I have them over the web uploaded and now it goes.
Where is the problem?