LIFE  id: 2135479
CPU AMD Phenom X4 BE 4x2,6GHZ
RAM 2046 DDR2 Aeneon
Videocard Club3D 4850 512 @ 256 Bit
Soundcard 7.1 Realtek
Storage Samsung 500GB
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-MA 790GX
Display Benq 22"
OS Windwoof XP Pro
Antivirus Anti Vir
CD/DVD Samsung DVD/ RW
Mouse Logitech MX 518
Mouse Skatez Teflon (On Board xD)
Mousepad Roccat Taito
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones FATAL1TY by Creative
Connection Alice 16000
Wheel/Pedals N/A
Joypad Xbox 360
Sound system Logitech Z 2300
Console(s) Xbox 360, Wii, PS3 (eigentlich alle -.-*)
Handheld(s) PSP
Mobile Phone Samsung Wave
...this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of wil, 5% pleasure, 50% pain and a 100% reason to remember the name!! BAEM!