matthias 'azz' f.  id: 213950
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Website 1
Trust-Design ( Trust Design )

Info: Trust-Design is a young Webteam, which build's YOUR Homepage for low cost. We make dreams real. All is possible. Just say what you want, and you will get it.

                                             Welcome  -2-  » azz « powerd by Trust Design

» current clan: «
 - name: hellhounds
 - squad: Uranos
 - irc: #hellhounds on
 - web: hellhounds

» nick/clan history «

  - 0: Player
    » age: 8 years old
    » clan: clanless
    » game: Duke Nukem 3D

  - 1st: Blade
    » age: 9/10 years old
    » clan: clanless
    » game: TFC - Team Fortress Classic

  - 2nd: Specialist
    » age: 10-12 years old
    » clan: ~SV~ ( Steelviper )
    » game: TFC / CS - Team Fortress Classic / Counter Strike

  - 3rd: Mango
    » age: 13-15 years old
    » clan: Obst
    » game: CS - Counter Strike

  - 4th: azphalic
    » age: 15/16 years old
    » clan: team.eXcite / myRush / ph4se2
    » game: CS - Counter Strike

  - 5th: azz
    » age: 16-18 years old
    » clan: highQuality / hellhounds
    » game: CS - Counter Strike

  - 6th: azz
    » age: 18 years old
    » clan: SaD -
    » game: q3.cpma - Quake3.Challange Pro Mode Arena

» special thanx for a good and funny time goes to: «
- Steelviper 
- Obst    
- high Quality
- hellhunds   


Trust-Design ( Trust Design )

Info: Trust-Design is a young Webteam, which build's YOUR Homepage for low cost. We make dreams real. All is possible. Just say what you want, and you will get it.

If u want to see some references, just send a Mail to me, or look on our homepage.

We give icq, irc and e-Mail support.

» icq:    118438257
» irc:    #trust-design on
» e-Mail:    [email protected]