Hardware | |
CPU | Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs) |
RAM | Croshear 4 GB PC2-6400 DDRII CL5 mx2 |
Videocard | NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS |
Soundcard | SoundMAX HD Audio |
Storage | foxcon |
Motherboard | asus p5k delux |
Display | Iitama prolite E430s 17inc 8ms |
OS | Windows Vista™ Business (6.0, Build 6002) Service .. |
Antivirus | Nod32 |
CD/DVD | Asus |
Mouse | Razer Lachesis 4000dpi 1000hz |
Mouse Skatez | Razer Lachesis |
Mousepad | Nova MicrOptoc KILLER |
Keyboard | Logitech G15 gamer |
Headphones | SteelSeries Siberia |
Connection | Cabel |
Sound system | creative inspire 2.1 |
Console(s) | WII |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Tequila |
Food | PussY |
Movie | the Rock |
Music | Rock/Rap/Hardstyle |
Song | Cormega - Fallen soldiers |
Book | the lost citty |
Book author | Preston & Child |
Person | Judje! |
Actor / Actress | Jason Statham |
Car | spyker |
Sport | Snowboarding ;) |
Athlete | Call of Duty |
Favourite... | |
Map | mp_dawnville |
Clan | KnightS |
Player | Quest |
Game Hero | Judje |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Humans |
Genre | FPS |
Console | WII |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.ks-gaming.com |
Website 2 | http://www.team-freshconn.. |
Website 3 | http://www.tek9.org |
Website 4 | http://www.abztract.org |
http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2718060 [b]Achievements:[/b] 1st - CoD1 - Online - Timere CoD1 Cup # (I know you hax - Lowbirdz.net) 1st - CoD2 - Clanbase - Divine International Cod2 Cup # (Qni - Quality and insane) 2nd - CoD1 - Online - Zerospringcup # (Qni - Quality and insane) 2nd - CoD2 - onLAN - The-party # (KnightS*) 2nd - CoD2 - Online - boltwared Cup 13 (Freshconnections) 2nd - CoD2 - Clanbase - Infinitus Call of Duty 2 Cup (i.Qpad) 3rd - CoD2 - Online - asinine cup 13 (OMiGAD) [b]Teams played for:[/b] - CoD1: REALGAMING - realgaming Qni - Quality and Insane QrX - quick rilfexes I know you h4x - Lowbirdz.net OMiGAD.uls - OMiGAD CoD* - CoDstars vic - vicerto fdnl.nl - The Flying Dutchmen - Infinity Prosaurus_- - Prosaurus 3N - 3Nations - CoDUO: System - System UO - CoD2: KnightS* - KnightS adire - Adire-industries Qni - Quality and Insane creative - Creative-Gaming Wave - wave esports - Gearlux.nl & Sneeks.nl px.steelseries - Project-X TG.wzzrd - Twente-Gaming by Wzzrd.nl OMiGAD - OMiGAD Abztract - Abz MM - MagicMushrooms Yauthamag - Yauthamag Team Sweden - Team Sweden.cod2 (ESL) emuLate! steelseries - emuLate! infinitus-esports - infinitus.Qpad - CoD4: KnightS* - KnightS of Rotterdam TD - Team Diddy - CoD5: [<><>] - I See U fc` - #FreshConnections - Crew: tek9 - TeK-9 Networks LTD. - Management: vic - vicerto Qni - Quality and Insane KnightS* - KnightS Wave - wave esports Overload - Overload gaming Abztract - Abztract gaming FC - FreschConnections |