Oriol 'Av4l0n' Noé  id: 2146258
CPU Intel Core i7 950
RAM Corsair Dominator 8GB DDR3
Videocard ASUS Strix NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Soundcard ASUS Xonar U7 7.1
Motherboard ASUS Rampage III Extreme
Display Philips 220XW 22'
OS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
CD/DVD LG Portable Super Multi Drive
Mouse ROG Gladius
Mousepad ROG Whetstone
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones SteelSeries 9H
Connection 300mb Fibra Óptica
Wheel/Pedals Logitech Driving Force GT
Joypad Logitech Wingman
Sound system Logitech Z313
Console(s) Playstation 4
Mobile Phone Huawei G8
Drink Water, Sprite & Beer
Movie Ghost in the Shell & many others
Music Electronic music, hip hop, ska, Oi! / Punk...
Book The Art of war
Book author Karl Marx
Person Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Actor / Actress Robert de Niro / Belladonna
Car Audi
Sport Gaming, football, airsoft/reenactment...
Map Camp Gibraltar (BF2142) / Assault (CS)
Game Hero Mario & Luigi
Genre FPS
Console Super Nintendo Entertainment System
[-Team History-]

Logic3.BF2142 Squad (Infantry)
Next Level.BF2142 Squad (Infantry)
Logic3.COD4 Squad