BLACKLiSTED  id: 2177110

Edit Info
         Player of Counter Strike since 2004

CS:CZ Fast Cup 1on1 Edition #91 AIM MR9 : #2
CS:CZ Fast Cup 1on1 Edition #94 DGL : #1
CS:CZ Events 1on1 Edition #100 AIM : #2
CS:CZ Events 1on1 Edition #118 HE : #2
CS:CZ Events 1on1 Edition #120 CUT : #3
CSPromod Events 1on1 NightCup v1 AIM : #1
CS:S X-Mas Cup 5on5 Classic : #2
CS:S Fast Cup 5on5 HandGuns #1 : #3
CS:S Fast Cup 1on1 He #4 : #3
CS:S Fast Cup King Of Aim_Map_Esl #3
CS:S Fast Cup King Of Aim_Warmup_Esl #3
CS:S Fast Cup v189 2on2 HE #3
CS:S GoFr4CSS v148 1on1 AIM #3
CS:S Fast Cup Casu vs Pro v1 #3



K__ @ copie ma description rageboy en changeant black par K. LOL

-dokoranji : nice wh blacklisted niceeeeeeeeeee
-Ono : blacklisted, stop ca stp
-p0zey- <3 rkz1337 : wh off black..
-^clm_<3: blacklisted nice wh noob omg lern play no hax noob
-myR ADRI3N3T : ahahah trop marrant blacklisted les ms
-xaxay0 x) : black ns wh low :D
-ikO* : blacklist noob wh
-TrOyA xD : blacklist fucking hacker!!! BITCH!!!!!
-LuiiZ+.: i swear you cheat so much blacklisted
-leavers'.tostaooflushhhhh_^: BLACKLISTED FUCKING CHEAT................
-rawrrr: blacklisted nice prefire
-rawrrr: blacklisted u have obvious wh fucking prefire and preaim every time nigger
-rawrrr: yea ofc blacklisted comes perfect timing and prefire hahahah so obvious
-exone: why you cheat blacklisted ?
-AlterEgo: on what list are you blacklisted ? cssplayers ?
-wasted youtdem: lol @ blacklisted
-Smtrexx: cheater, busted
-cpl.1337: nice wall hacker | Norb: when u wallhack dont hack so obvious black
-kDffff: wtf was that prefire black O_O
-IN YOUR FACE # B2: oué mais chaud tu est trop cheaté comme gars
-IN YOUR FACE # B2: mes mates veule bien vous joué mais sans toi dans la Lu
-russel brad <3 uschi: blacklisted stop wallhacking
-zytHys ---> serious: black nice hack, mann black hat an cheat fuck
--PymoD3:): niceeee haxxxxxx (;
-S1CK_R'a1ya: blacklisted prefire only
-color your css.p1Nsey: blacklisted very nice wh it's just low what you do
-tsN : blacklisted kanker hacker.....
-K.: blacklisted you just selfbusted
-avN [jD23174]: hahahahahahahah selfbust black say bye bye cssmixes
-kaunter $trajker: rofl cheating
-MYSTIK: black u are a nerd with that shit, just leave
-D.Core Death. : blacklisted nice wallhack
-m. : and your clearly legit blacklisted
-Vexper: blacklisted doesnt hack luls
-renzO: blacklisted is rpk :O
-angrucube: black = shox ?
-Neutralus: HAX..........
-gatzu: blacklisted enjoy ban german ugly kid stop cheat and learn to play you ugly german
-Craig^*Vulkano^*: surprised u not been banned yet
-t1t0 has connected: nice programs black
-valtYYwOw: lowhack
-SynTex : black has esp
-st1w.: wh black
-Müllaimer: blacklist stop
-HuGztw.rar: ahha blacklisted spotted
-xnyYy @ blub o.0: ahahahah prefire more bitch...
-röjochplöj AB : nice wh
-CO3ST: black do u life walls? - CO3ST: sick wh + noflash
-maskopi>: ok blacklisted
-ytube data:]: black busted :*
-alex1s[$]: nice prefire :) black
-sox: yes np for wallbang i sit there every round
-Mr.Carter III |DwaYne|: black why activig? just for me :'-(
-we will nerd you: respect blacklisted!
-WeEZzy: black cheat.
-varo :$: blacklisted x22
-de_yFishh : blacklisted i know you give wh and you dont secret this. i not rate this action but i know.
-amZ : MLBL where do i get hacks?
-'BARONS : off cheats
-lel : sure blacklisted u know
-reject[k]: blacklisted stop aimbot retard
-reject[k]: learn to play without cheats
-Sir.XhineAloT brazze4ever<3: blacklisted toggloe off now
-mrbanano: uninstall?
-...:ofc blacklisted ofc
-flEx-[t]: blacklisted reported!
-ghodt1064: cheating...
-prydz-: omfg black turn it off .|.
-noZOOM(-;: black nice wh.....
-1337icestorm: blacklisted you fucking cheater mother fucker kiddy cheater hacker fucker
-mini:cheating on cssmixes obvious
-Welcome to st. Tropez:DD : low blk walllhack
-j0n: stop cheating omfg
-HollyWood hills: Blacklisted wh
-prologic changed name to hf blacklisted le neteu tout pourie changed name to *aAa* BlaaackListed@lan
HoaX[Zz]: blacklisted more busted hqhq : black desactive aussi stp...
-z.'loves lukaz: blacklisted the next VG PLAYER! :D
-bistouflyy: blacklisted turn off
bistouflyy : me prend pas pr un con
bistouflyy : ta aim bot
-easY.: we make veto u cheats and yea everyone see it
-MazzzXD: tu pok chér enfoiré
-PhaZe': pree more ?
-ALBANO. $ DLTDL<3: omgg blacklist du hurensohn -/- omg pre :) -/- rcon kick blacklisted go
-aRn: teamkill black -/- fucking cheater play legit fuckers -/- cheater down -/- low hacker
-mamie croute: baré vous sérieu aller player en ligue et arrêter de faire chier en versus plus personne va jouer contre vous
-Berkel =]: 100$ + paypal = BuyCheat and fun, dont have life
-pimey: black hacking
-UNDER: face au redoutable skill de BLACKLiSTED nous avons décider de ne pas jouer
-UNDER: non blacklisted, les pok usp d'hier m'ont traumatisé
-MEGABEURKKK: t nul tu cheat en gather t low mec
y0uz: 95% win, hacker bye
ducler: tg tu cheat
dwight: black luck noob
inkGEESUS: blacklisted. i;m not sure if you're serious??
inkGEESUS: blacklisted, you're soooo fucking obvious rofl
rZv: how much for x22 ?
rIc0: hax
no.Skill<3: wallhack kiddie
no.skill<3: gg cheater
Ramiz Karaeski: nice cheat
Al.Capone : blacklisted on cheat noob
Diron : black fuck you wh 100%
ObSeRbE 74 : mec t un low avec un cheat ne te croi pas fort stp tu fait dla peine !!!!
Derp : You are very high player :D
Filiallerter bei Rewe : nice hacks
nadoo^ : blacklisted top fr
aPO AFK /// WARMUP----- : t'envoie du lourd là black^^
its guldbrandt np for him : black you know to much...
neo : blacklist its not clean
SK.SpawN : hahaha blacklisted hahaha
RzX -M- : blacklisted noob l2p flash like pussy
dRonY-dA- # DarkLight : ms boy black omgad