Metehan 'synteX' Yilmaz  id: 2194514
CPU IntelCore²Duo @ 1,77
RAM Samsung 1024 MB DDR 2
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300
Soundcard -
Storage Samsung 160 GB HDD
Display 15,4" WXGA Acer CrystalBrite LCD
OS Windows XP Professional SP 2
CD/DVD DVD-Super Multi double Layer
Mouse Razer Diamondback
Mouse Skatez oO?
Mousepad 15 EUR von MediaMarkt :D
Keyboard Laptop...
Headphones Chinaware 4tw
Connection Arcor DSL 6000 + Fastpath
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad -
TV winTV(-Karte)
Sound system -
Console(s) -
Handheld(s) -
Drink The Coke Company :P
Food Döner,Pizza,McDonalds,BurgerKing
Movie vieleeee
Music vieleeee
Song auch vieleee =/
Book gibs sowas?
Book author höö?
Person Me, Myself and I
Actor / Actress Paar Ammys
Car BMW, Audi, Mercedes
Sport Fussball <3
Athlete synteX (eSports) :D
Map de_nuke, de_inferno
Clan xenon
Player synteX
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Counter-Strike since '05
SteamID leider erst zu spät eingetragen <.<