Javi 'Kloud' GM  id: 2197117
CPU Core2Quad q6600 @ 3.2ghz
RAM 2x2gb DDR2 @ 800mhz
Videocard ATI Radeon HD4850 Toxic edition
Soundcard G510 gaming
Storage Seagate 7200.10 320gb SATA II
Motherboard ASUS P5E
Display Samsung 23" @ 120hz
OS Windows 7
CD/DVD lite-on iHAS 624
Mouse MX300 optical @ 500hz
Mouse Skatez Everglide surfers for mx300
Mousepad Steelseries qck+ heavy
Keyboard Logitech g510
Headphones Sennheiser HD 201
Connection ADSL 20mb jazztel + fastpath
Sound system Sony 1300vf @ 1000w
Console(s) XBOX 360 Elite
Drink Coca-MiN
Food Como la de MiN (TODA EN EL MUNDO)
Movie MiN y la lanza del destino
Music La del MiN
Song This is the MiN?
Book Buscando a MiN (Edición PRO)
Book author Pedro "MiN" Galiano
Person MiNasou
Actor / Actress Will EsMiN
Car Peugeot DosMiNtos Seis
Sport FutbolMiN
Athlete UsaMiN Bolt
Map de_clan1_min
Clan xMiNtence
Player MiN
Game Hero MiN in the real one
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Lock y Priest (MiN style)