Ibrahim 'FalcO' El-Zein  id: 2223990
CPU Intel Core i7 2600k
RAM 8 GB DDR3-1600
Videocard Point of View GTX560
Soundcard Realtek HD Audio
Storage 1 TB Seagate
Motherboard Intel Extreme Series DP67BG
Display 22" LG L227WTP
OS Windows 8
Mouse CM Storm Sentinel Advance
Mousepad steelseries QcK+
Keyboard Microsoft Sidewinder X6
Headphones Philips SHG8000
Connection DSL 16000
TV Samsung LE46C750
Console(s) Playstation 3
Movie Kiss of the Dragon
Music Elektro, Pop
Car Audi R8
Sport Fußball
Athlete Mohamed Zidan
Clan n!faculty
Game Hero Falco (Lylat Wars) [N64]
Console Playstation 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.wikileaks.de
Website 2 http://www.faculty.de
Website 3 http://www.esl.eu
Cause Gam!ng is Bel!eving :>