Do 'Apocalypso' Do  id: 2235650
CPU Core2Duo E8400 Wolfdale @3,0 GHZ(nochnet OC ^^)
RAM 8096MB OCZ Reaper X
Videocard 2X Club3D HD4890 1024 MB ZeroTherm
Soundcard ONBOARD 7.1 Dolby
Storage 2X 500 GB WesterDigital Caviar, Maxtor 250GB ex
Motherboard Gigabyte DS3 irgendwas ^^
Display 22" Belinea CRT ^^
OS Vista Home Premium 64BIT
Antivirus Avast
CD/DVD LG-Brenner
Mouse Logitech G500 @ 4,7k DPI
Mouse Skatez -----------------------------------------------
Mousepad VALVE Half-life2 Gaming Mousepad by Hama
Keyboard G11 Gaming Keyboard by Logitech
Headphones Deluxxor Standmikrofon für 2,99
Connection 758 kb/s
Wheel/Pedals -------------------------------------------
Joypad Logitech Dual Action Pad
TV waaaaaagh tv, esltv, battlecast
Sound system TEVION (Aldi) 5.1Surround Sound
Console(s) N64
Handheld(s) GameBoy (ja, die alte kiste von 91 ^^)
Drink Colaweizen&Co. machen mich froh^^
Food Döner
Movie 300, FÜR SPARTA !
Music PUNK-Rock (Ärzte,3te Wahl,DTH,Wizo,Knochenfabrik)
Song kein Gerede - Wizo
Book Die Chronik der Unsterblichen/Der dunkle Turm
Book author Wolfgang Hohlbein/Stephen King
Person Gordon Freeman
Actor / Actress Farin U. in "Die Band die sie Pferd nannten"
Car VW Käfer 1200 (1982 =D)
Sport eSports, Street-Hockey, Formel 1
Athlete Daniel"Miou"Holthuis, Michael Schumacher
Map Echo Isle,Tournament Tower,cp_well
Clan SK-Gaming, my most Famous, ieS Virtual Gaming
Player SK.Miou, KC.SideWinder.Jala
Game Hero GORDON FREEMAN - the one and only !
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) WC3: Humans, CNC3: Reaper 17, DoW2: Orc
Genre RTS, (alte) Jump´n´Runs
Console GameBoy, SNES, N64
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.bananaphone.or..
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4 http://www.united-forum.d..
Clan WC3: ieS Virtual Gaming - Teammanager homepage clan ieS
Clan HoN: pod Virtual Gaming - Player homepage clan pod