Michał 'gbn' Bibrowski  id: 2247084
CPU Intel i5 4670K
RAM 8 GB ddr3 Goodram
Videocard GF GTX 460 SE
Soundcard SB X-Fi Titanium
Storage 1 TB
Motherboard ASrock z8 extreme 3
Display Asus
OS Win 8 x64
Antivirus jakiś tam jest
CD/DVD bedzie
Mouse MX 518
Mouse Skatez standard.
Mousepad SteelSeries MLG
Keyboard TT
Headphones Syberia v2
Connection Shitpol 60 mb/s
Wheel/Pedals sam żes pedał
Joypad fire fire fire !
TV ladny ; )
Sound system Logitech Z- 906
Console(s) PS3
Handheld(s) co to karwa twa ?
Mobile Phone Galaxy S3
Drink nie pije !
Food sie tam czasem je
Movie Las Vegas Parano
Music to jest polska czarnuchu
Song Zeus - Gwiazdy
Book nie czytam
Book author po co ?
Person Bob Marley
Actor / Actress Johny Deep
Car Nissan Skyline
Sport Koszykowka
Athlete H@@
Map mirage
Clan eoLithic
Player XeqtR
Game Hero pasjans ?
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humans !
Genre szport
Console ps3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.rrr.prv.pl
Website 2 http://www.bhz-game.pl
Website 3 http://hltv.org
PSN: giboniasty123

gg: 3054558