p4cc0  id: 2250913
CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Cpu Q9400 2,66GHz
RAM 4.096 MB
Videocard ATI Radeon HD 4850
Soundcard Gamecom 7.1 Plantronics
Storage 1000 GB
Motherboard ASUSTek Maximus 2 Formula
Display LG Flatron 23,9"
OS Windows Vista Home Premium
CD/DVD LG Super Multi...?!?!
Mouse Logitech G9
Mousepad Razor Pro | Solutions
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Plantronics 777
Drink Wasser
Food Bananen....^^
Movie Alive
Music House
Song Singoli House Marzo
Book Die Säulen der Erde
Book author Ken Follet
Person >>>>>>>>p4cc0<<<<<<<
Actor / Actress Dave Bouwman
Car Jaguar X-type
Map cbble inferno and the first one is aztec
Clan facelanguge, team.fruits
Player >>>>>>p4cc0<<<<<<
Console ps3