tHr4sh3R  id: 2281379
CPU AMD Athlon 64 3700+
RAM 1024
Videocard geforce 6600gt
Soundcard --
Storage 1x80GB; 1x250GB; 1x500GB; alle samsung spinpoint
Motherboard ASUS sli premium
Display 15" CRT noname
OS win xp
Mouse KuGeLmAuS
Mouse Skatez --
Mousepad stück gummi^^
Keyboard A4 tech flat irgendwas
Headphones => ut2k4 special edition
Connection DSL 2000
Wheel/Pedals --
Joypad ka
TV terratec cinergy 200
Sound system 5.1 surround by medion^^
Console(s) ps2 silver edition
Handheld(s) --
Drink cherry coke / clemens ohne filter (allgäu only)
Food chips
Movie dawn of the death
Music rock/metal/punk
Song z.Z. in flames - only for the weak
Book z.Z. der historiker
Book author terry pratchett
Person none
Actor / Actress none
Car schöner alter Ami - Leichenwagen
Sport klettern
Athlete --
Map buzzkill2005
Clan b4tt3r
Genre shooter
Console PS2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.counterstrike...
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
Art of Delight-Gratis individuelle Clandesigns- R.I.P.

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